Sometimes I forget how lucky we are to have the Shenandoah National Park in our back yard just 20 minutes from home. Here are some of my favorite sights from our recent drive along Skyline Drive near Luray, Virgina. We saw a young bear cross the road too but I wasn't quick enough on the draw with my camera to get a shot. This cute little fawn made up for my lack of a bear photo though. She was so curious about the woman with the flashy thing. Every time the flash would go off she cock her head in wonder. Maybe it was the first flash she had ever seen. The beautiful orange flower is a turks cap lily. I saw it from a distance in the middle of a wildflower meadow filled with black eyed susans. Its bright orange color really stood out in the yellow and I had to get a closer look to see what it was. It was certaily worth a closer look to see this beauty up close.